About Me — Emlyn Boyle

A very creative Irish person

Emmy (Emlyn) Boyle
About Me Stories


A recent picture of me, Emlyn Boyle.
A picture of the author, by the author.

Who I am

Hello, my name is Emlyn and I’m originally from Dublin, Ireland (though I now live elsewhere on this rather green island of ours). I love the countryside peace and quiet, but do miss the urban bustle of Dublin sometimes. I’ll always be a Dubliner no matter where I am.

My talents and interests

I’m a furiously creative person, mainly in the areas of art and animation, but I also play in the worlds of photography, film, graphic design, music and-

Writing, of course. I always wanted to be a writer, more than anything else, and just tell stories. Any confidence in my abilities was not so great however, although I did channel my latent storytelling abilities into art, animation, etc. I wrote a few short stories a decade or so ago, that got published, but my prose style was pretty awful. Thankfully my writing has much improved in the last year, thanks to encouragement from a dear love in my life, and being able to write on a platform like Medium. On here, I have written in the areas of review, short stories, poetry, folklore, the supernatural and my own interests. Those interests include music, cinema, fashion and books — particularly in the fantastical genres (fantasy, science fiction and horror). I would like to write genre fiction for children/young adults someday. Though I really prefer the short story format to novels. I love Halloween, being also an autumn child.

Who I also am

I recently came out as a transgender woman, and while this was not an easy thing to do, I’ve had enormous love and support from friends & family, and am entirely grateful for it. A part of my soul is now at peace.

Links to my work

The links below are to my various online platforms (bar my main Facebook profile, which is private). On Instagram you’ll find my daily photography, art, encounters, etc, while my Youtube channel highlights all my animation and audio/visual projects. And of course, you can find all my writings — stories and articles — here, or at the direct link below. Thanks for reading!

Instagram: search for emmy_artist76

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EmlynBoyle

Medium: https://emboyle.medium.com/

Facebook Art Page: https://www.facebook.com/emmyartw



Emmy (Emlyn) Boyle
About Me Stories

An Irish born and based artist, writer, photographer, animator and very creative person. Proud trans woman, she/her.